TMTPOST CES Stage to Interact with Top-Notch Innovators and Creators

See you in Las Vegas for CES 2020!

We are soon raising the curtains on the annual Consumer Electronics Show, to be held January 7-9 in Las Vegas. This grand feast of technology gathers together the newest and freshest of technologies, while attracting tech experts and enthusiasts from all over the globe.

With the rise in China's power of innovation, cutting-edge technology products from the country have become an indispensable part of the scenery at this renowned proving ground for innovators and boundaries-pushing technologies.

TMTPOST has been an official partner of CES for the past four years. In order to bring to light new innovations and provide a more efficient communication platform for those at the forefront of technological change, TMTPOST will host the Talk to China stage starting from CES 2020, which will be the first stage of Chinese media to participate in the history of the annual trade event.

The event will consist of three parts: 1. keynote and panel discussions joined by thought leaders and representatives of innovative Chinese companies, 2. high-energy, interactive demonstration roadshows, and 3. the release of 2020 Innovation Value Lists, which are based on TMTPOST's research on products from more than 1,500 Chinese exhibitors at CES, considering comprehensive indicators that include consumer marketing power, the advanced technology embodied, market acuity, user popularity and media influence.

The stage will be located at Booth #43967, Level 2, Sands Expo.

Please click here for registration.

The first 100 participants to register will receive reserved seats and customized souvenirs from TMTPOST. The three-day event will also feature interactive and game sessions. See you at Las Vegas!

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  • 爱了爱了😁
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  • 紧跟时事,赞一个👍🏻👍🏻
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  • 都没有那么简单
  • 这么厉害的吗
  • 学到了学到了
  • 商场如战场,竞争激烈啊
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  • 企业的发展都不是一番风顺的
  • 说的好有道理😄
  • 内容值得人们反思
  • 数据还是很详细的
  • 内容很精彩,夸一夸
  • 又学到了很多知识
  • 内容很详细👍🏻
  • 小编辛苦了
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  • I think I should study more

    回复 2020.01.01 · via android
