


72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。之前的课,皮埃罗跟我们讲了他很反对彼得蒂尔的“教育无用论”,并且认为年轻人的教育最重要的就是创造性思维的启蒙教育,还预言未来很多的新的工作岗位会与懂得创造机器人和控制机器人有关。那么未来的教育会越来越“实用化”还是“创造启蒙化”呢,我问了皮埃罗关于教育和培训的关系,教育与培训有什么不同吗?教育和培训哪个更重要?皮埃罗对此有非常清晰的认识,他的核心观点是,培训是细化的任务结果为导向,而教育就是越跨学科的教育越重要。


I think the difference in my mind that is the difference is big. Training is about a specific task let's say, I have to start using a new device. I have to devices but someday they will give me a new one that doesn't exist today. Well I have to train to learn that device a software engineer needs training when does a new programming language. Now Python is famous again. So you need training in that language no software engineers studied the sea maybe studies in language now it has to train in Python’s training and the training can be one day. It can be one month, it could be two months. Training now. 


Education is you learn how to program a computer and to learn it you have to study specific language probably see language java but then you can learn any other language that's education you learn what a computer is you know what a processor is now. what is memory and so on and so on and then of course to learn that you have to learn one specific language because you cannot learn all of them. But the day that the language changes you get training a nd in one month one week sometimes one day you can learn something new.


If your education is very good the training would be very short if you are a worker in a factory and the to train you to become a software engineer, that's painful but if you are a software engineer working on a simple application and they tell you now you get training for artificial intelligence that's not so difficult you really are a soft engineer and if you study mathematics is actually very easy. It’s just new formulas and yep, will be painful for a couple of weeks. But not so difficult.


We have to get used will be training in our life at some point they will change your tools and you will be everything. I’m just working on something for the media. The world of media is fascinating how is changing I always read a lot of magazines still I still with print in our stead books and so on so I watch TV, so I’m fascinating how we will change dramatically in virtual reality of mental reality and live streaming I mean everything would change so you will get training you will. But if you have an education in media, if you understand these things much easier, if you have an education is stem even easier. You know you understand in new technology right away and you understand what you can do with it.


I keep telling people that the bigger revolution in augmented reality will not come from the technology startups. It will come from journalists and artists. And we’ve already seen it now when augmented reality was introduced commercially. Who was it Microsoft! What does Microsoft do? It sells products to offices so there they are mental reality or mental realities what PowerPoint the first time of the head was a presentation, where the guy uses the hand to show a presentation, right? That's what Microsoft does. So I came up with the simplest kind. 


Well, then artists started thinking about a mentor reality and artist realized in one second, this room that street any place is a canvas. It's like the painter has a blank canvas and then you give them colors and they start painting right? With AR, any environment becomes a compass a three dimensional campus so artists started making art in the middle of the room in the street. And when you have the right glasses or how does the sculpture there. Without the glasses that nothing with the glass. That's the future there are is just explain to us that instead of paper, we can use this AR. I can leave a note for you outside the door there I can leave a note that only you can see with the glasses.


I don't know if the glasses are really the future of this thing some to live annoying that you have to wear special glasses. But what I’m saying the artist saw the future not Microsoft, in my opinion the journalist will see the future, because we do mental reality you can have a piece of paper or you can have a TV program. And then you can augment, you can have more information if you want today. 


The biggest problem of media is that people want one under forty characters right people don't want to spend too much time give me their news in one second year but sometimes I want to know more so what do I do I click a web page there's a traditional thing but think journalists will come up with a way that in one second I know there was a bomb in Somalia and then if I want to know more I just look at it. And it will come more it will go live or whatever. 


So I think it an interdisciplinary education is very important if you understand the technology you will find the application not Microsoft by the way. It is interesting that artists are very good at understanding technology. I find it fascinating for somebody in technology is very difficult to understand a different technology, right? You are used to a computer now you have to use a smart phone. It takes a while to use to it.


An artist in one day can learn to use a new gadget, artists are like children. You give them a new device, a day later, they know everything, artist is very similar. Instead people in technology and science tend to have a much more difficult life right retraining is difficult. Why? They're specialist, they are trying to be specialists. Artists are trained not be specialist so it's interesting, right?



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  • 真正的教育应该和实践结合,是实用性的,这也是现在硬性教育的一个硬伤,就大多数人学完就没了。

    2018.05.21 11:10 via iphone

Oh! no


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