感谢大家订阅皮埃罗•斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。上一期我们学习了以色列这个创新国度的特殊性和心理土壤,那么以色列人是以发明技术为导向的吗,还是像硅谷那样擅长利用已有技术创新?
I think they are also very good at using other people's inventions. The big inventions, they almost all come from the United States, Japan and Europe, there is very few exceptions. The other counterpart would be South Korea. three things were invented in South Korea. I have a slide about big inventions of the last one hundred years, you start with the radio, television, internet the worldwide web, smart phone and Artificial Intelligence whatever, and you look at it, that is all Western Europe, Japan, the United States, that almost all of it. So not Israel. But you will know a lot of things were invented by the Jewish people who have very often very close connections with Israel. I think Israel has been good at using other people's inventions not necessarily inventing its own things.
But there's many of these technologies in the world. May be, Mobileye is the best but it's not like somebody invented Virtual Reality, somebody invented Artificial Intelligence. Mobileye is one application of Machine Vision. The first Machine Vision goes back to the first robots in the United States or Japan. It depends on how you count. But there was Machine Vision already at MIT, there was also Machine Vision in Japan. I would say Japan actually, there was one research in Japan in my opinion, they published the first paper in Machine Vision.
但是类似的技术到处都是,可能mobileye是其中最好的。这不同于虚拟现实又或者说人工智能的发明, mobileye只是对已有科技的应用而已,它不等同于机器视觉科技的发明,世界上首个机器视觉科技出现于美国还是日本? 这取决于你怎么看。MIT很早就有机器任务了,而日本也有类似的,我觉得很可能是日本,日本发表了第一篇关于机器任务的研究文章。