


72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗•斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。上一期课程,我们学习到,硅谷不是一种发明家的主流文化,但如果硅谷并不看重发明,硅谷是如何保持一种年轻人的生态文化的呢?


Now the society in Silicon Valley is typically young people right? It's a very young society and these people who care about connections, socializing and becoming popular. That's what these people want to be and so on. So when they hijack the technology, typically they use it to do something cool right? That's what Silicon Valley does.


The technology is invented original for one very scientific purpose, it has some very specific reasons to be invented. But Silicon Valley is the society of young independent people who take it and find a way to use it, usually use it for themselves. That is different. And guess what, because they are young people, typically that thing is precisely what millions of people want. 


Think of YouTube or Instagram. YouTube when it was invented it was invented by somebody else invented how to put videos on the internet. But when YouTube started doing it, it was the right way to do it, every young person in the world wants to do that: yeah let's put the video there and let's watch it or let it change videos and songs. It turns out that millions of kids around the world were taking pictures, but they were bad quality and difficult to share. But Instagram makes it easy ok. So the society of Silicon Valley is very good at understanding how a technology can be used by millions of people. 


And it's not like a formal program, it's not like somebody sitting at a desk and say how can we use this technology, how can we make it very popular. It is just the people who live there are very good with technology, very knowledgeable about technology and they have this spirit of experimenting with the technology and there is this motivation to do it first of all for themselves and their friends. But it turns out that they represent the whole world. So very soon it spreads. 


Then when it starts spreading, it becomes also business, because it turns out that Youtube is very useful for marketing, selling houses, promoting music. But then if you look at the original way that it becomes popular, usually is not because it is targeting big corporations or government, usually it's because it's targeting actually ordinary people, and today is even targeting poor people sometimes. So that's what it's really happens in Silicon Valley. 


There's not so much inventing something, it's difficult to find something that was really invented in Silicon Valley, but it's thinking about technology as something that I want to use. And usually when it is invented, it is not invented for me, then I start thinking what can I do with this thing - Virtual Reality, 3D printing whatever. what do I want to do with it. And then I think oh yeah it would be great to do this, but that thing costs two million dollars, I cannot afford two million dollars, how can I do the same thing and make it feasible for me and make it easy to use. And so, when I do that, I'm actually doing it for the whole world.


The original motivation is just me, but actually the whole world would like to do the same thing. But they're living in places where this is not easy to do, but in Silicon Valley this is easy. Of course, today is also easy, because there's immediate capitalist who gives me some money right immediately. Oh wow you want to do a 3D printer that sits on a desk, two hundred thousand dollars, half a million or whatever.


So then you understand why we specialize in the Global Brands. The result of this process is that Google and Facebook and so on create products and services that are cool for millions of people around the world, initially usually young people, but then once you have enough critical mass, everybody.



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